Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 6

What was left on this day was pretty much just clean up. Also my friend from El Paso Eric Aguilar had some time off and was generous enough to hangout and help as well. While I was painting a trans-sexual stopped by and began to stare at my backside as I was painting. Eric let me know that this was happening and with that the trans-sexual politely said "I was just admiring your nice jeans." Just at that moment a man stopped by and complimented the mural and asked if we were going to seal it with something and I told him "no". He responded with the question "Just a Prayer?" I said "Yup!" He then insisted that we pray over the mural sometime over the weekend. "Let's do it right now!" I replied. His eyes brightened and he set his bottle of liquor on the ground next to the parking meter telling us to all hold hands. So Eric, the lush, the trans-sexual and I all held hands nearly joining a circle until Eric said we need to touch the wall, so we did.
There the man gave a Really amazing prayer! It was as if he knew what the mural was about and asked god to protect it. I couldn't explain it but I felt a strong tremor of energy. It was quite powerful I must say. We then said our goodbyes.

After that we were pretty much done so Eric and I continued to help "Offstage" with their project. We were able to get all the moving sculptures mounted into their places by the afternoon. We were also able to use the lift that we rented for the mural to lift up the third sculpture to its place on the corner of Market and Golden Gate Ave on top of the hot dog place Show Dogs. Korka and Chris were very happy and their project looked amazing!


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